Two of Cups card

Take proactive initiative
Two of Cups Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card is fundamentally a blocker because the querent is behaving passively in the matter at hand and is therefore not progressing. They need to learn about the subject in question, whether they want to meet a specific partner or approach a job interview, by understanding the details, initiating actions, and only then will they achieve results.

The Meaning of The Card

Two of Cups represents a situation where a person is in a state of passivity. After the energetic flow of the Ace, to begin and succeed in a process, one needs to think a few steps ahead of their partner or collaborator. It involves cooperation with an understanding of the other side in a partnership. The person is in a position where they can create an opportunity but needs to stop being passive and start taking initiative, even if they are in a job interview. It’s crucial for the person to believe in themselves.
Two of Cups card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Chimera Lion’s head, eagle’s wings, goat’s body, snake’s tail, spiritual love, relationship with the soul.
Lion The lion symbolizes physical strength and power. Its red color emphasizes the symbol.
Staff of Hermes – Mercury Positioned beneath the lion’s head, it represents the duality of life, graphically revealing the selfish aspect of both life and humans. The staff also symbolizes healing and balance.
Angel Wings The angel wings, part of Mercury’s staff but attached to the lion’s head, symbolize spiritual abilities, the capacity to soar on the wings of imagination. Their red color represents action and doing. They symbolize the desire to break free from life’s limitations and feel liberated.
Wreath The green wreath symbolizes a new beginning. The red wreath symbolizes the desire to act. The wreath represents a circle, completeness, infinity, harmony, victory, new beginnings, and endings, health, and beauty.
Chalice The chalices symbolize containment. The chalice represents the element of water; water is an emotional component and a symbol of femininity. The chalices resemble the nurturing female womb.
White Robe Authority, power, splendor, white symbolizes purity.
Mountain The green mountains symbolize a new beginning, fertility, challenges, strength, mystery, and obstacles.
Man and Woman Looking at Each Other Eve represents feminine, intuitive, and nurturing energy. Her white attire symbolizes purity. Adam represents masculine, active energy. His yellow clothing symbolizes internal and external communication. The clover leaves on his clothing symbolize luck.
Light Blue Background Sky, spirituality, endless possibilities, and eternity.
Snake The snakes coil around the kundalini, representing a connection that allows for closeness without dependency and distance without disconnection.
Red Shoes Her red shoes symbolize the desire to act and move forward.
Young Man The young man dressed in yellow symbolizes internal and external communication.


The beauty of Psyche arouses Venus’s jealousy, so she asks Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a hideous creature. Cupid, deeply connected to his mother, is about to fulfill her request but falls in love with Psyche himself. To ensure that Psyche does not know who he is, he requires her not to look at his face. This card represents blind love, the willingness to sacrifice for love, the desire to see the whole and the perfect, and blindness to flaws.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In a reading, the Two of Cups represents the disillusionment that follows the initial perfection of the Ace. The reality is far from perfect, with challenges and obstacles that must be overcome and matured through in order to return to the state of the Ace. The Two of Cups signifies a break or a fracture, the contrast between dreams and reality, and the imperfection in life. The querent may have been passive, and the card arrives to awaken them and highlight the need to take initiative.