Three of Pentacles card

Abundance and prosperity
Three of Pentacles Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

A supportive card, the Two of Pentacles indicates that the querent has completed their studies, training, or established a stable relationship. Now, the querent is receiving recognition, partly in material or physical form, for their efforts. This might manifest as finding a job suited to their skills, receiving a raise or bonus at work, or moving in together in a relationship.

The Meaning of The Card

In the Two of Pentacles card, the individual has understood what is right for them to do and has found the path they need to follow. After realizing their potential, they achieve fame, respect, and social status. Their accomplishments are accompanied by financial recognition.
Three of Pentacles card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Coins Represents the element of earth; it is a grounded element rooted in the physical, signifying success, conventions, and abundance.
Archways The archways symbolize the supportive systems in a person’s life from which they gain appreciation.
Craftsman The craftsman standing on the bench, looking at the monk and the woman beside him, symbolizes someone who receives appreciation from the two onlookers who seem to admire his work. It represents imagination, connection to the physical, aesthetics, and functionality.
Monk The eternal seeker of meaning, purity, and divine tranquility. Acts from a place of spirituality and detachment from the material world.
Woman Represents feminine, intuitive, and nurturing energy, as well as creativity.
Bench The bench symbolizes taking a moment to examine the details. It indicates the need to relax, take a break, and either evaluate or enjoy what is manifested in the card. Rest, support, and action. It also represents the artist’s determination to succeed.
Flower The engraved flower beneath the three coins symbolizes insight, growth, and positive experiences. Something is beginning to improve in the person’s life and is turning into success.


Daedalus works in the king’s court, earning a salary that brings financial security, reputation, and respect. This card represents recognition of skills and financial reward for them. It encourages effort and improvement of one’s abilities.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In a reading, the Three of Pentacles represents the outcome that results from confronting the disillusionment of the Ace and its perceived perfection, and from grappling with the reality and its imperfections. With the Threes, the outcome—whether positive or negative—reflects the reward for one’s efforts. The number three symbolizes the child born from the union of man and woman, embodying the fruit of struggle, learning, facing challenges, and reconciliation. In this card, the individual earns respect and financial recognition for their actions and abilities.