Temperance card

Depends only on you.
Temperance Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card supports processes of reconciliation; a person has the ability to blend oil and water as long as they believe in themselves. It is a card that enables the seeker to create their reality, provided they have faith in themselves and their abilities.

The Meaning of The Card

The Temperance card represents the alchemist who uses thesis and antithesis—opposites—to create a new third thing: the synthesis. When there is an imbalance between opposites in the body, between emotion and intellect, between the feminine and the masculine, it creates unrest that leads to a change striving for balance. Balance brings peace, which allows for conscious thought, and in turn enables action and progress in spiritual awareness. The card reflects the approach of Saint Francis’s saying: ‘God, grant me the courage to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Temperance card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Angel The angel symbolizes spiritual knowledge.
Halo A divine, sacred figure reflecting the state of the soul.
Face Turned Downward Humility, focused on self-work.
Angel Wings A messenger of God, a spiritual being, protection.
Yahweh The sacred name empowers the figure.
Circle with a Dot The circle symbolizes spiritual completeness and inner strength. The dot in the center represents the point of balance.
Red Triangle The triangle located at the third eye chakra forms a triangle of emotion, matter, and spirit. On a psychological level, it represents the integration of the conscious and subconscious, the anima and animus. The triangle symbolizes balance, creation, direction, thought, emotion, action, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
White Robe Authority, power, grandeur, magic, purity.
Two Cups One cup is made of gold, representing the energy of the sun, the masculine, active, outward energy. The other is made of silver, representing the moon, the feminine, passive, inward energy. Cups represent feminine energy, containment, passivity, and emotion.
Sun Energy of creation, source of life, illuminating, blessing, vital, control, courage, wisdom, warms but can also burn.
Mountain Path Guidance, separation, challenges, strength, mystery, obstacle.
Foot Position One foot is immersed in emotion, the other touches the physical. The right foot of the angel touches the water while the left touches the earth, symbolizing the merging of the emotional and material worlds.
Irises Upright posture, the power of nature, royalty, wisdom, and hope.
Lake Contraction, calm, security, emotion, the feminine element.
Gray Background Compromise, contraction, detachment, protection.
Liquid The liquid being transferred between the cups symbolizes merging. Since the liquid flows from the lower cup to the higher one, defying the laws of gravity, great skill is required. The absence of spilled drops indicates agility and maneuverability.


The card is represented by the goddess Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, daughter of the Titans who were defeated by Zeus. She was collected by Zeus and Hera for her moderation abilities. Iris was Zeus’s messenger and Hera’s companion. The peace between the couple was not constant, and Iris lived among them as a mediator between Zeus’s explosive masculine energy and Hera’s merging and sensitive feminine energy, as a peacemaker in their disputes. She moved between the heavens and the earth, with the rainbow connecting them. Like the rainbow, balance dissipates quickly; the rainbow’s seven colors represent the chakras. Balance between the chakras leads to physical balance, which leads to mental and spiritual balance.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

The card represents a situation where a person can attract abundance into their life. The person has the ability to merge different situations, people, and life processes into one. The person is an alchemist, knowing the right measure and effort needed to create. The card reveals the individual’s personal potential and their power to create change by blending with moderation and wisdom across various areas of life to generate abundance. All that remains for the querent is to believe in their abilities.
Got it! I’ve noted that the card represents a stage of integration and moderation, where the soul of the querent is in a place of merging and balance, and all that is needed is self-belief.