Seven of Wands card

To separate the wheat from the chaff.
Seven of Wands Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card is blocking because the querent fails to distinguish between the essential and the trivial, becoming bogged down in the small details and losing sight of the bigger picture.

The Meaning of The Card

Seven of Wands represents a situation where the person has forgotten the main goal of their path and is preoccupied with the minor aspects of their life. The realization in this card occurs when the person understands that focusing on the trivial aspects only distances them from their goal. The card can also sometimes symbolize a state of defense against others or the environment. The imagery often depicts a person with their back against a precipice, holding a stick in front of them while facing six wands opposing them.
Seven of Wands card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Seven Wands with Leaves Authority, support, spiritual power, desires, initiative, and tools for realizing ideas. The leaves symbolize renewal, growth, and the fulfillment of hopes.
Frightened Facial Expression Symbolizes the fear and distress that the figure is experiencing.
Green Garment Renewal, growth, hope, health, and youth.
Green Grass The green grass symbolizes the balance of the three aspects of a person’s being: body, soul, and spirit, creating wholeness, harmony, growth, calmness, and renewal.
Light Blue Background Sky, spirituality, infinite possibilities, and eternity. The blue sky represents the potential within the person, symbolizing optimism, freedom of expression, independence, and hope.
Water The water in the foreground of the card symbolizes the subconscious, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that the person is not consciously aware of.
Mountain Challenges, power, mystery, obstacles.
Abyss Fear of falling.
Body Posture The body posture of the figure symbolizes a defensive situation, where the person must decide what to confront and what to let go of in order to win.


The king did not intend to give Jason the Golden Fleece. Surprised by Jason’s success, he says that Jason’s own son will also set him tasks. Jason’s ego enjoys facing challenges, but he realizes that the new tasks are diverting him from his true goal: returning to his homeland and ruling it. The card urges the querent to examine whether the challenge is relevant to their true goal or if it is merely a distraction. The card advises the querent, just as it advised Jason, to focus on the essential and not be swayed by the trivial, even if the trivial seems very tempting. Sometimes, these distractions are a way to avoid dealing with the real issue.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In readings, while the Sixes represent achievements, success, harmony, and completeness in the material world, the Sevens signify the transition from material to spiritual realms. They reflect the necessity of spiritual development. Establishing material stability allows one to confront spiritual challenges and shifts in perspective. Sevens are about changing perceptions and understanding both sides of an issue. They address what holds a person back in life and emphasize what to pay attention to in order to advance spiritually and progress in their journey.