Seven of Pentacles card

Failure is an opportunity to start anew on the path to truth.
Seven of Pentacles Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card is somewhat blocking because of the disappointment felt by the querent. The querent has acted in a certain way, and now, upon seeing the results, they realize that this was not the intended outcome. Despite the disappointment, the querent has learned a valuable lesson, which now allows them to choose what is truly right for them.

The Meaning of The Card

The Seven of Pentacles is a card of disappointment with the realities of life. The gap between desires and their fulfillment, whether in the physical or spiritual world, causes the individual to feel disillusioned. Although the person’s life may be orderly, the past resurfaces, bringing with it a need to correct past mistakes to secure a better future. The awakening in this card is the understanding that without addressing and confronting past issues, spiritual growth and personal development cannot occur.
Seven of Pentacles card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Coins Represents the element of earth; it is grounded, rooted in the physical, symbolizing success, conventions, and abundance.
Gardener The stance of the gardener symbolizes disappointment; he has invested work and time, yet the vine has withered.
Gray Background Compromise, limitation, detachment, protection.
Bowed Head Symbolizes despair, disappointment.
Vine The vine symbolizes thoughts that fill a person and create a desire to confront the situation they have reached. The vine also symbolizes spirituality, joy, celebration, fertility, processes of change and fermentation, loss of control. A withered vine symbolizes despair, disappointment.
Staff Authority, support, spiritual strength, desires, initiative, a tool for realizing ideas.
Orange Tunic The orange tunic symbolizes abundance, fertility, love, creation, creativity, and inspiration. Orange also reflects an inclination towards art, the ability to create balance between the physical body and the spiritual body; it is a color that releases thoughts and emotions. Represents feminine intuition.
Mountains The mountains in the distance symbolize obstacles that, although far away, must be overcome for spiritual growth. The touches of blue in the card bring optimism, hope, and the chance for success.


Daedalus, who builds the labyrinth, is trapped on the island of Crete, both because King Minos does not allow him to leave and because of his crime. The card represents disappointment; although Daedalus’s financial situation, professional status, and the respect he has earned have improved, he feels he must pay for his past actions. Daedalus is at a crossroads where he must decide whether to take a risk and create change, even if it means facing the consequences of his actions, or to remain in a place that is not right for him.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In a reading, while the Sixes represent achievements, success, harmony, and completion in the material world, the Sevens symbolize the spirit, the transition from the material to the spiritual—a necessary step for spiritual growth. Establishing a strong material foundation allows one to face the challenges of the spirit. These cards represent a shift in perspective, the ability to see both sides of a situation. There may be disappointment, but there is also a desire to create change, to pay the necessary price, and to achieve spiritual growth.