Knight of Cups card

The dreamer
Knight of Cups Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card is somewhat blocking due to the requirement for maturity. The querent is waiting for things to fall into place on their own regarding the question, and indeed things are about to fall into place. The problem is that when this happens, the querent will sabotage the process and prevent it from happening.

The Meaning of The Card

The Knight of Cups dreams of dreams that do not materialize in the physical world. Opportunities for realization are abundant, but it is important to mature and understand that one cannot live in a dream alone. Life must be lived, and sometimes, when the white knight is indeed galloping down Dizengoff Street in the middle of the day and the heat of Tel Aviv, one just needs to recognize him and give him the opportunity to enter one’s life.
Knight of Cups card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Knight The knight symbolizes loyalty and protection for what is important to a person in life—thoughts, feelings, and habits. It signifies the need for self-reflection to allow for maturity.
Helmet with Wings Physical and spiritual protection, a status symbol. The wings symbolize lightness of movement and protection.
Cup Represents the element of water; water is an emotional component and a feminine symbol. The cups resemble the nurturing feminine womb.
Armor Protection, closure, a status symbol.
Horse The horse symbolizes ambition and strong motives for progress, the ability to work hard. Physical strength, energy, passion, nobility, and mobility. Its gray color symbolizes compromise, reduction, detachment, and protection.
Mountains Challenges, strength, mystery, obstacle.
Stream Flow, life, direction, power. The landscape through which the stream flows symbolizes the unique path of the knight, who must confront uncertainty or a challenge in life. He must face the obstacle as part of understanding that in life, unlike in dreams, there are challenges that must be overcome to mature.
Light Blue Background Sky, spirituality, infinite possibilities, and eternity.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In a Tarot reading, the deck is divided into three parts: the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana (which is divided into cards Ace through Ten), and the sixteen Court Cards. Processes begin in the realm of the spirit, represented by the Major Arcana. These processes then transition to manifestation in the physical world, represented by the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana answers the question of whether or not this manifestation will occur. When Court Cards appear, they convey a message of opportunity. The Page, Queen, and King represent the Zodiac, while the Knights symbolize significant events that will mature the person and enable them to transform the event into an Ace, marking a new beginning.
The Knight’s message represents an energy of maturation. This energy ultimately transforms into an Ace by the end of the process. The Knight’s typical behavior involves building castles in the air—dreams without realization, desires without action. The opportunity presented is one of actualization, bringing energy of action into the person’s life. Dreams come true when the person is ready for them, recognizes the opportunity, and opens the door to it.
The element of Water is an energy that helps to move forward, transition through life stages, and renew oneself, represented by the Cup. The energy of Water, its flow, allows for releasing anger, ego, and pain in blocked areas, and finding what propels one forward. It is the element that restores a person’s self-confidence. Water appears when a person is stuck. It represents faith and trust, the ability to connect with the energy of the universe, and to be replenished.