Four of Wands card

Success is made up of a little inspiration and a lot of hard work.
Four of Wands Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

The card supports the idea of embarking on a journey where the path is already clear, even though the outcomes are unknown. What matters most is the journey itself, as it is part of the learning and contributes to the overall success.

The Meaning of The Card

The card expresses joy, success, abundance, and victory. The success in this card stems from the individual’s past investments—such as studies and development—that lead them on a path towards a future victory. However, what is crucial in this journey is the maturation and the process, not just the end result.
Four of Wands card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Four Wands Authority, support, spiritual power, desires, initiative, and a tool for realizing ideas. The leaves symbolize renewal, growth, and the fulfillment of hopes.
Sukkah (Booth) The sukkah symbolizes family and the importance it holds in a person’s life. It represents the need to prioritize family over materialism and possessions.
Canopy The canopy represents security, support, and protection. A canopy made of leaves and fruits symbolizes abundance, wealth, and success.
Castle The castle symbolizes material success, security, protection, and control.
Yellow Background Abundance, energy, happiness. It represents courage but also caution and fearfulness. It signifies both internal and external communication.
People with Raised Hands The couple symbolizes partnership and cooperation, harmony and balance in life, joy, victory, and success.
Red Robe Authority, power, grandeur through action and activity. Red symbolizes action and the material world.
Blue Robe Authority, power, grandeur through the belief that everything is open and possible.
White Garment Symbolizes purity and spirituality.
Arch An opening, passage, initiative, opportunities.


Jason’s uncle tries to delay the inevitable day when he will have to return the kingdom to Jason by sending him on a heroic quest to prove his worthiness. He tasks Jason with retrieving the Golden Fleece. Despite the risks, Jason, driven by his burning ambition, succeeds in gathering princes, demigods, and a ship built for him, the Argo, and sets out on his journey.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

In a reading, the Ace represents the inception of an idea. In the Two cards, developmental work is done, and in the Three cards, the fruits are reaped. The Four card represents the beginning of a new phase, laying the foundation and paving the way for the process. Consequently, the individual may feel restlessness and a sense of delay. While the Ace is initial and innocent, the Four represents an initiation with past memories. To evolve, one must undergo a process, change something within themselves, and deal with the obstructive factor. In this card, the obstruction is the desire to achieve a goal without appreciating the journey.