The essence of Tarot reading

Tarot Reading: Its Importance and Deep Value

Tarot cards are the key to understanding the processes of life. When a question is asked, they become part of the querent’s life, reflecting their desires, needs, dreams, and challenges. The cards drawn in a reading are meant to mirror the querent’s life, revealing 78 cards and 78 life processes, some joyful and others challenging. These life processes exist in the realm of spirit, the physical world, opportunities, and personal growth. Tarot readings allow the querent to understand their current position at the moment of the reading. The Major Arcana cards represent the spirit, while the Minor Arcana cards represent the physical body. They provide insight into both spiritual development and physical manifestations in life.

מהות הקריאה

The Spiritual Process Begins with Understanding What Is Missing

For instance, if a woman seeks a relationship and wants to start a family, she may ask, "Will I find a partner in the coming month?" If the reading reveals a Major Arcana card like The Fool, it indicates she is at the beginning of a journey and may not yet know what she is truly looking for in a partner. Conversely, if The Emperor appears, it suggests she is seeking an authoritative, mature figure.

If The Magician card comes up, it shows she has all the tools needed to find a partner. The card can guide her in understanding the type of relationship she desires and her current emotional and spiritual state in the search. However, it cannot definitively predict if the question will be answered within the month.

If an Ace appears in the reading, it indicates that she will meet a life partner soon. If Three of Cups shows up, it signals joy and celebration around the question. If Six of Pentacles appears, her partner may exceed her expectations. If Three of Swords comes up, it suggests disappointment and feelings of betrayal. If Nine of Swords appears, it shows she is deeply troubled and losing sleep over her relationship concerns.

The appearance of Court Cards indicates opportunities to meet a partner, and she should remain open to these possibilities. Knights represent stages of growth, with each Knight symbolizing a different type of maturation.

Minor Arcana cards reveal practical aspects of life, opportunities, and growth. For instance, if an Ace appears, it suggests a clear and bright opportunity. If a Knight appears, it indicates the need for personal growth to find a partner. For example, the Knight of Swords might urge her to stop waiting for others to act on her behalf and to take proactive steps herself.

Life is a series of lessons, and at each stage of development, there are lessons to learn. Each spiritual phase involves various challenges, and sometimes the querent experiences the same lesson from different perspectives. The role of the tarot reader is to shed light on the querent’s approach to these lessons and how to progress from the spiritual to the material.

Understanding tarot cards helps the querent grasp their internal strengths, development processes, and the realization of their potential. The querent does not seek a definitive answer about whether to leave a job, marry, or divorce. Instead, they seek guidance to find their personal happiness. The tarot reader’s job is to illuminate the potential within the querent that allows for self-fulfillment. The journey through 78 cards represents a spiritual quest, offering answers to life’s challenges and insights into the twists and turns, secrets, motivations, opportunities, and self-realization processes in their life.

Picture of Orit Raphael
Orit Raphael

Orit Raphael, Tarot Reader for Personal Guidance, Insights, and Messages

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