Decision Making With Tarot

Decision Making with Tarot offers a unique and insightful approach to navigating life's choices, big and small. In a world where decisions often feel overwhelming or unclear, Tarot provides a powerful tool for gaining clarity and perspective. By tapping into the symbolic language of Tarot, individuals can explore the various options before them, uncover hidden influences, and align their choices with their true intentions and values. This article will guide you through the process of using Tarot for decision-making, whether you're at a crossroads in your career, relationships, or personal growth. Discover how this ancient practice can empower you to make informed, confident decisions that resonate with your deepest desires and highest potential.

Life is filled with decisions. Big or small, they shape the course of our lives, guiding us toward a bright future or leading us down dark alleys. Often, we find ourselves at a crossroads, confused and fearful, grasping at any straw that might help us choose the right path. Tarot cards, an ancient and mysterious tool, may offer a helping hand in times of need.

The tarot cards are not a crystal ball, revealing a predetermined future. They do not replace judgment or personal responsibility. However, they can illuminate the path, present new perspectives, and help us connect with deep feelings and inner insights. In this article, we will explore how Tarot cards can be used as an effective tool for making better decisions. We will review special spreads, learn how to interpret the cards, and gain important tips for wise Tarot use.

Join us on a fascinating journey into the world of Tarot, where we will discover how 78 illustrated cards can become a guiding light, leading us toward a brighter future.

Decision Making with Tarot: A Crossroads In Our Lives

Life presents us with countless moments where we are required to make decisions. From small choices like what to eat for breakfast, to selecting a career, and even to life-altering decisions about relationships, starting a family, and where to live. The decision-making process consists of several stages:

  1. Gathering Information: The first step involves collecting relevant information related to the choice at hand. We might research various topics, consult with experienced people, read articles, and analyze data.
  2. Weighing Options: After gathering information, we move on to evaluating the different options. We consider the pros and cons of each possibility, taking into account personal values, desires, and needs.
  3. Choosing a Course of Action: The final step is making the decision itself. We choose the option that seems most suitable, being aware that every choice carries consequences.

The decision-making process can be challenging. We face fears, uncertainties, and difficulties in accurately assessing possible outcomes. We fear failure, make incorrect judgments, and struggle to commit to a single choice.

Despite these challenges, decision-making is an essential skill that allows us to navigate our lives and shape our future.

Decision Making With Tarot

A World of Possibilities: Tarot Spreads for Decision Making

The world of Tarot is filled with fascinating spreads, each offering a unique way to illuminate the decision-making process.

The "Decision" Spread is relatively simple: five cards laid out in a row, symbolizing the past, present, future, challenge, and potential. This spread provides an overview of the situation and helps identify significant factors that may influence the choice.

The "Crossroads" Spread is more in-depth. It consists of four cards arranged in the shape of a cross, addressing questions such as: What are the driving forces behind me? What options do I have? What are the possible consequences of each choice?

The "Pros and Cons" Spread is particularly effective when torn between two options. Six cards are laid out in two columns, with each column representing one option. This spread allows for a thorough examination of the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, helping to assess the risks and rewards involved.

These are just a few examples from the vast world of Tarot spreads. Choosing the right spread largely depends on the nature of the decision and the amount of information needed.

It is important to remember that Tarot spreads are not a magical formula for making perfect decisions; the spread will never make the decision for you. They are a powerful tool that helps us connect with ourselves and discover the right path for us.

The final decision always rests with us.

Decision Making with Tarot

Example of a Tarot Spread: Career Choice

Case Study: A person named Ofek is torn between two career options:

  • New Offer: A position at a startup company in an innovative and exciting field.
  • Continuing Work: A stable role at an established company with opportunities for promotion.

Chosen Spread: The "Crossroads" Spread.

Card Interpretations:

  • Card 1: Current Situation: The "Hanged Man" card. Ofek feels stuck and uncertain about his professional future and realizes he needs a change to achieve more in his life.
  • Card 2: The First Path: The "Emperor" card. Working at the startup will require him to be assertive, take on a leadership role, and be willing to take risks.
  • Card 3: The Second Path: The "High Priestess" card. Continuing work at the established company will allow him to stay within his comfort zone, utilizing the knowledge and experience he has gained.
  • Card 4: Final Outcome: The "Star" card. Ofek will find fulfillment in a career where he feels he is realizing his personal potential.


  • Ofek needs to understand what is more important to him: stability and security or innovation and challenge.
  • Working at the startup carries significant risks but also the potential for great success.
  • Continuing work at the established company will ensure a stable future but might lead to feelings of missed opportunities.


Ofek should take time to reflect on the insights gained from the spread and carefully consider all the options.

Important Note: A Tarot spread does not provide a definitive answer but serves as a tool to aid in decision-making. The final decision always lies in Ofek's hands.

An example of a tarot spread

Tips for Using Tarot to Make Better Decisions

  1. Formulate Clear and Focused Questions:The first step is to formulate a clear and focused question regarding the decision you need to make. The more specific the question, the easier it will be to interpret the cards and receive relevant answers.
  2. Choose the Appropriate Spread:There are many Tarot spreads, each designed for a different type of question. Choose a spread that suits the topic of the decision and the amount of information you want to receive.
  3. Interpret the Cards Intuitively:Listen to your feelings as you read the cards. Pay attention not only to the commonly accepted meaning of each card but also to the feelings, memories, and emotions that arise in you as you look at it.
  4. Make the Final Decision:Tarot does not replace your judgment. After receiving the spread, consider all the information you have, both from the cards and from other sources, and make the decision that seems best to you.

Additional Tips:

  • Shuffle the cards well before laying out the spread.
  • Focus on the question while shuffling and laying out the cards.
  • Remember that Tarot is a tool, not a magical solution.
  • Consult with a certified professional if you need help interpreting the cards.

Using Tarot correctly can lead to better decisions, taking into account your desires, needs, and values.

Tarot tips

Tarot - A Tool for Making Better Decisions

Throughout the article, we've explored how Tarot cards can serve as an effective tool in the decision-making process. We've repeatedly emphasized that Tarot is not a crystal ball, does not replace judgment or personal responsibility, and is not a magical solution to every problem.

However, thoughtful use of Tarot can lead to clarifying internal values, identifying hidden factors, gaining new insights, and expanding perspective.

The cards offer us a fascinating map of the psyche, allowing us to explore our emotions, thoughts, and deep impulses. By reflecting on the cards, we can better understand the options before us, the consequences of each choice, and the path that will lead us toward a desired future.

The final decision, of course, always lies in our hands. We are the ones who choose how to use the information and knowledge we've gained, both from Tarot and from other sources.

Tarot is a powerful tool, but its strength lies not in magic, but in its ability to connect us to ourselves, our inner wisdom, and the power to shape our destiny.
