Beginners Guide to Tarot

Beginners Guide to Tarot is your first step into the fascinating world of Tarot reading. Whether you're intrigued by the mystical allure of the cards or seeking a tool for self-reflection and guidance, this guide is designed to help you navigate the essentials. With 78 cards rich in symbolism and meaning, Tarot offers a unique pathway to explore your inner world, gain insights into your life, and make more informed decisions. In this article, we'll walk you through choosing your first deck, understanding the structure of the cards, and offering practical tips for your first readings. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the wisdom that Tarot holds.

Beginners Guide to Tarot Reading is designed for anyone interested in entering the enchanting world of Tarot, learning the basics of card reading, and developing their abilities. Whether you're curious about the future, seeking personal guidance, or simply want to deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you, Tarot reading can be a powerful tool for you.

This guide will take you step by step through the structure of a Tarot deck, the meaning of each card, different card spreads, tips for developing your Tarot reading skills, and understanding the rich symbols within the cards. Along the way, you'll also receive practical tips and exercises to help make Tarot reading a significant part of your life.

Tarot reading is an ancient and fascinating art that allows us to explore our inner world, gain insights into our lives, and find guidance and solutions to the challenges we face. With 78 unique cards, filled with symbols and colors, we can discover deeper layers of ourselves, understand our connections with the environment, and look forward to a possible future. Tarot is not a tool for certain prediction, but rather a means of illuminating the path, allowing us to gain new perspectives on life situations, explore different possibilities, and harness our inner strength to overcome challenges and make meaningful decisions.

So, open the door to a world of insights, self-discovery, and personal fulfillment!

Beginners Guide to Tarot Reading: The Basics of Card Reading

A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana contains 22 cards, each representing a universal archetype or theme in our lives, such as love, death, success, failure, choice, fate, and more. These cards are rich in symbolism and can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the question or circumstances.

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands. Each suit reflects a different aspect of life: Pentacles represent the material and financial world, Swords represent the realm of thought and intellect, Cups represent the emotional and relational world, and Wands represent energy and action. These cards depict more specific events and situations, providing additional details and insights regarding the question or circumstances.

A card spread refers to the arrangement of the cards on the table. There are many different spreads, each designed to answer a specific type of question. Simple spreads for beginners include the three-card spread ("Past, Present, Future") or the five-card spread ("Who, What, Where, When, Why"). More complex spreads are used for a deeper reading on specific topics, such as relationships, career, and more.

Intuition plays an important role in Tarot reading. It is essential to listen to the feelings and emotions that arise during a reading and to consider them alongside logical interpretations.

Understanding the symbols in Tarot cards is crucial for accurate interpretation. Colors, symbols, numbers, and astrology are just some of the elements found in the cards, each carrying deep significance.

The Meaning of Tarot Cards

A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards). Each card carries a unique meaning, both in the context of a general reading and in relation to specific questions or topics.

Major Arcana represents the significant forces at work in our lives, such as love, fate, death, creativity, and wisdom. These cards tend to be deeper and more complex, often reflecting important internal processes.

Minor Arcana is divided into four suits: Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands. Each suit represents a different aspect of life:

  • Pentacles: The material world, financial security, work, and career.
  • Swords: The realm of intellect, thought, communication, and challenges.
  • Cups: The emotional world, love, relationships, and feelings.
  • Wands: The realm of energy, creativity, new beginnings, and action.

Each suit contains 14 cards, numbered 1 to 10, and 4 court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These cards relate to everyday events, feelings, behaviors, and people in our lives.

Here is a brief overview of the meanings of the Major Arcana cards:

  • The Magician: New beginnings, creativity, potential.
  • The High Priestess: Intuition, secrets, inner knowledge.
  • The Empress: Abundance, fertility, stability, femininity.
  • The Emperor: Authority, power, control, security.
  • The Lovers: Love, choice, connections, relationships.
  • The Chariot: Change, movement, progress, travel, ambitions.
  • Justice: Balance, law, fairness, judgment, karma.
  • The Hermit: Solitude, inner search, spiritual growth, meditation.
  • Wheel of Fortune: Fate, unexpected changes, luck.
  • Strength: Courage, determination, overcoming difficulties.
  • The Hanged Man: Sacrifice, letting go, release.
  • Death: Endings, new beginnings, transformation.
  • The Tower: Collapse, sudden change, crisis.
  • The Star: Hope, optimism, faith.
  • The Moon: Illusion, anxiety, lack of clarity.
  • The Sun: Happiness, success, prosperity, joy.
  • The World: Completion, fulfillment, achievement.
The Principles of Tarot

Understanding Symbols in Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are rich in symbols and colors, each carrying its own unique meaning. Understanding these symbols greatly enhances the depth and accuracy of a Tarot reading.


  • Red: Passion, energy, action, anger.
  • Blue: Intuition, spirituality, tranquility, communication.
  • Yellow: Intellect, creativity, optimism.
  • Green: Growth, prosperity, fertility, healing.
  • Black: Endings, death, mystery, uncertainty.


  • Crown: Royalty, authority, control, wisdom.
  • Sword: Power, intellect, conflict, challenge.
  • Cup: Love, emotions, relationships, intuition.
  • Pentacle: Material world, financial security, work, career.
  • Wand: Creativity, new beginnings, action, energy.


  • 1: New beginnings, creativity, initiation.
  • 2: Partnership, balance, connections.
  • 3: Growth, development, creativity.
  • 4: Stability, security, foundation.
  • 5: Change, challenges, difficulties.


Each card in the Major Arcana is associated with a specific planet or zodiac sign, adding another layer of meaning. For example, the "Sun" card is linked to Leo and represents energy, vitality, and passion.

Key Points to Remember:

  • There is no single "correct" interpretation for each card. The meaning of the symbols depends on the context of the reading, the question or topic being explored, and the reader's feelings and intuition.

Understanding Symbols:

  • Contributes to a deeper and more accurate interpretation of the reading.
  • Allows for connections between different cards, revealing hidden relationships.
  • Opens a window to a rich inner world full of meaning.

Purifying Tarot Cards

Purifying Tarot cards is a common practice among many readers, aimed at cleansing the cards of external energies and recharging them with positive energy.

Why is it important to purify the cards?

  • After frequent use, Tarot cards accumulate various energies from both the reader and the people for whom the readings are done.
  • These energies can influence the readings and distort the interpretations.
  • Purifying the cards allows you to "start fresh" and work with clean, pure energy.

When should you purify the cards?

  • It’s recommended to purify the cards regularly, either after each use or after a few uses.
  • You can also purify the cards before reading on a sensitive or complex topic.
  • If you feel the cards are "heavy" or "not flowing," it may be a sign that they need purification.

Methods of Card Purification:

  • Fire: Passing the cards over a candle flame (at a safe distance, of course).
  • Smoke: Cleansing the cards with the smoke of incense or sage.
  • Crystals: Placing the cards on a cleansing crystal, such as quartz or selenite.
  • Meditation: Holding the cards in your hands while meditating and imagining pure energy flowing through the cards.

Important to Remember:

  • There is no "one correct method" for purifying cards.
  • Choose the method that feels most comfortable and right for you.
  • It’s essential to set a pure intention during the purification process.

Purifying Tarot cards is a simple and effective way to maintain positive energy and ensure accurate readings.


Asking Specific Questions in Tarot Readings

Tarot readings are more effective when specific questions are asked. Open-ended questions often lead to general answers that are harder to interpret.

Examples of Specific Questions:

  • What are the reasons for the difficulties I'm experiencing at work?
  • What opportunities are available to me in my personal life?
  • What should I do to improve my relationship with my partner?
  • Should I consider moving to a new home?

The more specific the question, the easier it is to receive a precise and relevant answer.

Tips for Asking Specific Questions:

  • Define the topic you want answers about.
  • Focus on one aspect of the topic.
  • Phrase the question clearly and concisely.
  • Use positive language when framing your question.

Asking specific questions will help you obtain useful answers from the cards, providing you with guidance and support throughout your journey.


Simple Tarot Spreads for Beginners

A tarot spread refers to the arrangement of cards on the table, each spread designed to answer specific types of questions.

Three-Card Spread:

  • First Card: Past
  • Second Card: Present
  • Third Card: Future

Five-Card Spread:

  • First Card: Who
  • Second Card: What
  • Third Card: Where
  • Fourth Card: When
  • Fifth Card: Why

Yes/No Spread:

  • One Card: Provides a straightforward answer to a yes/no question.

These spreads are easy to understand and execute, making them ideal for beginners in tarot reading.

Tips for Performing Simple Spreads:

  • Focus on a specific question.
  • Shuffle the cards thoroughly.
  • Lay out the cards according to the chosen spread.
  • Examine each card individually.
  • Connect the cards together to form a story.
  • Trust your intuition.

With practice, you can learn to use these simple spreads to gain deeper insights into your life.

More Complex Spreads:

  • Celtic Cross Spread: A comprehensive spread suitable for an in-depth analysis of a specific issue.
  • Wheel of Fortune Spread: Focuses on different areas of life, such as work, love, health, and more.
  • Relationship Spread: Focuses on a romantic or family relationship.

These spreads are more suitable for experienced readers.

Simple Tarot Spreads for Beginners

In conclusion: A First Step on a Fascinating Journey

Tarot reading is a captivating and multifaceted world that offers a deep connection with ourselves and the forces at play in our lives. This guide is intended to be the first step on this fascinating journey, providing the foundational skills for reading the cards and understanding their meanings.

With practice, patience, and openness, you will uncover deeper layers and harness this powerful tool for personal growth, informed decision-making, and new insights. Remember, tarot reading is not a magic cure but a valuable aid that empowers you to take responsibility for your life and shape the reality you desire. Embark on the journey, discover the magic, and listen to your inner voice.
