Death card
in the daily aspect

Change to Live
Death Card

The Meaning of The Card

The Death card, in a daily context, represents a situation where both the inner and outer worlds are disintegrating due to the transformative processes the seeker, student, and master go through on their path to enlightenment. The world is falling apart, leaving the individual without a clear and familiar point of reference. This stage brings loss, confusion, a sense of losing control over what exists, and fear. In Christianity, this point is referred to as the “”dark night”” before the light arrives, when it becomes darker than ever. The Death card is crucial in the process because it signifies a stage of detachment and release. Everything that is no longer relevant to the person must be let go of so that new, corrected patterns can be built. After all the layers, lies, and half-truths are stripped away, the inner essence remains, from which new life will grow.