The Moon card

In the paths of the subconscious
The Moon Card

Supporting / Blocking Tarot Card

Supports questions on therapeutic topics. It is a blocking card in other matters as it serves as a warning to the querent that unconscious past habits and scars are controlling their life. The querent is going through a period that requires them to address these issues, and to do so, they must seek professional help.

The Meaning of The Card

The Moon card expresses the energy of Yin, the feminine energy. It represents the fears of the subconscious, the unclear and primal fears stemming from unconscious emotional processes. Confronting these fears will enable a person to overcome what hinders and blocks them on their path to spiritual development. This is the only Major Arcana card without a human or angelic figure; it features only animals.
The Moon card: The Meaning of The Symbols
Card Symbols Symbol Meaning
Moon The moon symbolizes feminine energy and the subconscious. It is not a source of light but reflects the sun’s light, symbolizing instability.
Drops The 15 drops falling from the moon symbolize the ego, with 1 representing the ability to achieve goals and 5 symbolizing change. Together they form the number 6, which brings self-love created after spiritual development.
Solar Eclipse The 32 rays of the sun symbolize the 32 teeth in the human mouth, the number of vertebrae in the spine, and the numerical value of “heart” (לב) in Gematria. 3 + 2 = 5, representing the five points of the pentagram, symbolizing humanity. It also represents darkness, loss, and death.
Two Towers The towers stand as guards blocking the passage, symbolizing the uncertainty behind them. They represent protection of the subconscious, observation, and spiritual aspiration.
Rain Fertility, vitality, cleansing, renewal, growth.
Mountains Challenges, power, mystery, obstacle.
Dog The dogs howling at the moon symbolize the ambivalent drives within a person that hinder progress. The three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld symbolizes guarding the place where the living were not allowed to enter. The dog represents friendship, loyalty, a guardian of the underworld, and a wild animal that has been domesticated.
Wolf Cruelty, greed, wisdom, soul compass, teamwork.
Path Represents the path the master walks on the way to enlightenment, a path that involves confronting fears in the subconscious. It also symbolizes guidance and separation.
Crab The crab, whose walk is neither straight nor direct, symbolizes the ways the soul chooses to deal with pain. It also represents rising from the waters, symbolizing the subconscious. These are the mental forces seeking to awaken; the climb onto the land symbolizes the willingness to confront. The sideways movement represents avoidance, insecurity, water, emotion, intuition, motherhood. The crab’s shell symbolizes the defenses a person carries.
Lake Contraction, calm, security, emotion, the feminine element.
Light Blue Background Sky, spirituality, infinite possibilities, and eternity.


The moon is associated with mystery, magic, cyclicity, and femininity. Many goddesses are connected with the moon, starting with Selene. The geology of the moon is named after the goddess Selene, and the chemical element selenium is also named in her honor. Later, Luna appeared, and when the Olympian gods took power from the Titans, Artemis was appointed as the goddess of the hunt and the moon, and also as the patron of midwives.

Representation of the Card in a Reading

The card represents the journey into the unknown, into the subconscious, into the past, and into all the moments that created pain, repression, and distress—things the person preferred to lock away behind a door and key. When the Moon card appears, like The Fool and The High Priestess, there is no direct answer but rather a direction indicating to the querent that there is a fog in their life that prevents them from seeing the answer. Once the querent clears the fog, they will understand what needs to be done. Typically, the source of the fog is an emotional issue. There is a state of instability, mood swings, confusion, and a lack of clarity causing paralysis or complete inaction regarding the question. The querent understands that they must find a solution, and discussions or emotional therapy can help clear the fog.
It’s important to remember, this is a Major Arcana card representing the realm of spirit. The querent’s soul is in the place of The Moon, at the threshold of entering the subconscious to understand the roots of fear and behavior. To manifest this card, the person must choose a therapeutic process, engage in conversations with a guide who will help them navigate the depths of the subconscious.